Wednesday, September 1, 2010

'Tis the Season

School has started and soon the the hot summer will slowly fade away into a crisp autumn. Things will be done differently merely because it means times they are a changing. We will start to grab our jackets, put away our sandals, and trade in those long summer evenings relaxing outside for nights at football games and raking leaves. Though it does take time to adjust, we can choose to go through life focusing on getting from one exciting thing to the next or choose to "enjoy our work- because that is our lot." (Eccl 3:22).

This blog will be about how we get through life enjoying it, cherishing it, and helping others along the way.  Please remember: you are not going to be just like everyone else on here and you are not going to do things exactly the same way. We are all in different stages or "seasons" of life and what your needs now will probably look completely different than another persons. I find it amazing that we can be individuals but we all can share and help others grow in some way! Please remember to pick and choose wisely what God wants you to get out of the post that day. This is here to help you feel encouraged, save you time, energy, and provide wisdom, not make you feel guilty for not doing it all.

I want to know how you do it! I welcome, recipes, tips, encouraging thoughts, any wow moments that need to be shared. Send me an email or leave a comment. Let me know how you want to make an impact on someone's life. First topic to be discussed with be, you guessed it- couponing! While I do not claim to be an expert, probably more like a amatuer, I can hopefully help encourage you to start saving!

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